I am passionate about teaching any kind of linguistics class but have particularly enjoyed being the instructor of record for Syntactic Structures, Semantics 1, and Language and Mind at UCSC. Helping students understand course material is one of the most gratifying parts of being a teacher, and I appreciate the perspective I gain by revisiting familiar concepts and thinking of new ways to explain them to other people. I’m always looking for new ways to approach complex topics in the hopes of enhancing my personal understanding and the understanding of current and future students.

Primary Instructor

  • 2021-2022
    • Semantics 1 (Winter 2022 [Online])
    • Language & Mind (Fall 2021 [Online])
  • 2020-2021
  • 2019-2020
    • Syntactic Structures (Spring 2020 [Online])
      Supervisor: Matt Wagers.
  • 2018-2019
    • TA Training (Fall 2018-Winter 2019)
      Supervisor: Matt Wagers.

Teaching assistant